Course Title
RouteRepReady™ Skills Training Course
Course Description
RouteRepReady™ is a comprehensive skills training program designed to equip route representatives (often referred to as RSRs) with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to excel in their roles out on the road and while interacting with customers. Through ten energizing and engaging modules, route reps will master essential skills such driving and personal safety, route and stop efficiency, product knowledge, developing customer rapport, foundational sales skills, and troubleshooting issues when they arise. From handling common delivery challenges to upselling and providing exceptional customer service, this program covers all aspects of the RSR role. With interactive activities, real-life scenarios, and continuous skills assessment and feedback out on the road, RouteRepReady ensures RSRs are well-prepared to navigate any situation they encounter on their delivery routes, boosting safety, saving time, and enhancing their level of customer service
Course Outline

The best Time to Set Out on the Road to Excellent Sales and Service is Now.
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