Frequently Asked Questions

For your convenience, below is a list of commonly-asked questions. If you have any questions with answers that don’t appear here, please Contact Us.

RouteRepReady™ is a blended training program. New route representatives generally shadow a veteran or top-performing route representative. The same holds true with this course — it would be crazy to put a new rep in your truck and out on the road without some hands-on training. However, RouteRepReady™ provides the need-to-know information, frameworks and skills breakdown in a structured way, broken down into modules and lessons. This means that most of the course content is available when the trainee wants to access it on-demand through the training portal.

It’s different for several reasons: specific content, accessibility, application, and verification of learned skills. This is the only course that has been developed specifically for route representatives (also known as delivery drivers or route service representatives) in the commercial laundry and uniform rental industry. This course is accessible in a flexible virtual format where a new or developing route rep can access the content around their busy schedule and still be able to complete a best-of-breed training course. This course also assesses quizzes to ensure that route reps understand the trained concepts and know the information that they need to excel in the job. Finally, RouteRepReady™ also has a system that, together with their training coach, ensures that a trainee can perform the necessary skills to a certain level of capability before they proceed to the next “day” of training. The training program is based on 18 years of industry experience delivering training to drivers and is really, really good and targeted at helping you achieve excellent results.

New route representatives or reps whose skills are developing should enroll in the RouteRepReady™. It’s not a remedial training course, but everybody can use a refresher to sharpen the saw — especially if they never received structured training to begin with.

It’s easy. Simply click the ‘Enroll Now’ button in the top right-hand corner of the site. Enter the student information (and your direct supervisor, if requested), submit a credit card payment, and click ‘Purchase’. Once you are registered, you will received a welcome e-mail with access instructions and you will can start the course.

The course takes 10 days to complete, assuming that each day was completed successfully. If you fail the quizzes and/or the skills checks out on the road, it may require a repeat of the day. The program is engineered for trainees to not advance to the next day unless they are ready. It is expected that day trainees will invest about 60 minutes on the course lessons and quizzes.

The course costs $799 (USD) per each course attendee for TRSA members. The course costs $1,199 for non-TRSA members.

RouteRepReady™ only takes credit or charge cards for course registration. Payment is processed using Stripe (which is what may be displayed on your credit card statement).

Payment is made when you register for the course.

Once you are registered, you will be able to access the course lessons and materials. However, completion of each training day is a pre-requisite for the next day. For instance, you need to successfully pass all of the quizzes and pass the skills checklist on day one before you can proceed into day two.

Issues do sometimes arise. We strongly encourage course participants to reach out if they have any technical problems or do not understand any element of the course. Please click ‘Contact’ link in the menu, call us at +1-703-637-0615 extension 703, or click here to Contact Us. Our team will respond no later than one business day, but typically we will respond within a few hours.

It is generally necessary to complete the course in order. The content starts with general information and gets more specific as the program moves forward. Also, the applied skills checks build on each other each day so it’s important to finish one day before starting the next one.

An Internet connection, browser, and a desktop computer/laptop is recommended for the course lessons. The program is designed to be accessible on virtually any device. The applied skills checklists that happen out on the truck and in a customer location, will require a mobile device.

This can be done by clicking ‘Register Now’ above. That will bring you to the registration page. Once you register and pay, you can access the course immediately. To make things easy and for security purposes, RouteRepReady™ currently only accepts credit cards for payment.

No refunds will be given once the course starts. However, in some exceptions seats may be transferred to another rep should an issue arise. Contact us for details.